Inc. has been established in February 2009 in South Florida.  We follow closely the trend and progress of the industry to offer you the latest innovations in the security services as well as with home automation.  Remotely controlling your equipment will give you a sense of greater safety and make you save on your energy bills.

Why should you pay the BIG price tag from the BIG boys when you can get the same, or even better equipment, personalized local and friendly service and be treated as such by your local company while saving BIG? 

We will beat the “big” boys on prices and services. That’s a promise!

Why GoToMyControls?

Being a small and local service provider, our customers just love doing business with us. Our proactivity, monitoring every aspect of your security systems on a daily basis, assure our customer’s equipment is always fully operational which prevent unnecessary false alarms and police dispatch.

Leadership Team

Its owner and President, Richard Reid, is in the security business since 1988. Prior to get in the industry, he spent 10 years working for Bell. Mr. Reid is the license holder of the company and is an alarm security certified professional. He is leading the entire group of employees dedicated to customer service, installation, service and technical support.

Richard Reid - Go To My Controls owner